Saturday 25 January 2014

Experience of being in Mother’s Womb

In the mother’s womb, each child is centered in reality; each child is profoundly blissful. Of course, he is unaware of it.... He’s so one with his bliss that there is no knower left behind. Blissfulness is his being, and there is no distinction between the knower and the known. You become aware only when you have lost something.

It is very difficult to know something without losing it, because when you have not lost it, you are so totally one with it. There is no distance: the observer and the observed are one; the known and the knower are one. Every child is in a profoundly blissful state.

Child in its Mother's Womb
Why don't we know the Condition of when we were in our Mother's Womb?
Psychologists also agree with this. They say that the whole search of religion is nothing but a way to again find the womb of the mother. The child is in absolute tune with the mother. The child does not know that he is separate from the mother. If the mother is healthy, the child is healthy; if the mother is sitting silently, the child is silent. The child has no boundaries of his own yet. This is the purest bliss, but it has to be lost.

Purest Bliss

The child is born, and suddenly he is thrown off-center. Suddenly, he is uprooted from the earth, from the mother. He loses his moorings and he does not know who he is.… Now he starts becoming aware of his boundaries — his body, his needs. Sometimes, he is happy, sometimes unhappy; sometimes he is hungry and crying and there is no sign of mother anywhere; sometimes he is on the mother’s breast, again enjoying oneness with the mother. But now there are many moods and many climates, and he will start to feel the separation.

He has to find out who he is. A whole life goes in trying to find out who one is. This is the most fundamental question.

When the child is born, they immediately cut the umbilical cord. It should not to be cut immediately because it leaves the child in a very weird situation. He cannot breathe on his own and yet the connection with the mother has been severed. The natural process is that he should start breathing on his own perfectly well, and then the umbilical cord should be cut.

There is a natural way to know when the cord has to be cut. The moment the child starts breathing perfectly, the umbilical cord stops pulsating. Slowly, slowly, the more the child breathes, the less is the pulsation, the less the beat.… Once the child has taken on the breathing process for himself, it pulsates no more. Now it is dead. It can be cut.

Nowadays, the moment the child is out of the womb, the umbilical cord is cut. The child is not breathing yet; he starts doing it with such a jerk that it shakes the whole being of the child...and it never becomes rhythmic, never, in his whole life.

Avoid the Shock

The first shock keeps vibrating, and that causes a thousand and one diseases in the body, and the mind. He has to breathe and he does not know how to. His whole passage is full of amniotic fluid, mucous …and just to help him, they hang the child upside-down by his legs and slap him on his buttocks, just so the amniotic fluid goes out. This is all so violent…life starting by beating, by hurting the child. Such a gap has been created in his being that the natural breathing has stopped and he cannot breathe on his own. Then we go on repressing emotions in that gap, and it becomes bigger and hard like a stone.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Death completes life

What is death?

The second thing to remember is: once you know what life is, you will know what death is. Death is also part of the same process. Ordinarily, we think death comes at the end; ordinarily we think death is against life; ordinarily we think death is the enemy. But death is not the enemy. And if you think of death as the enemy, it simply shows that you have not been able to know what life is.
Death and life are two polarities of the same energy, of the same phenomenon—the tide and the ebb, the day and the night, the summer and the winter. They are not separate and not opposites, not contraries; they are complementarity. Death is not the end of life; in fact, it is a completion of one life, the crescendo of one life, the climax, the finale. And once you know your life and its process, then you understand what death is.

Breathe in, breathe out

Death is an organic, integral part of life, and it is very friendly to life. Without it, life cannot exist. Life exists because of death; death gives the background. Death is, in fact, a process of renewal. And death happens each moment. The moment you breathe in and the moment you breathe out, both happen.

Breathing in, life happens; breathing out, death happens. That’s why when a child is born the first thing he does is breathe in, then life starts. And when an old man is dying, the last thing he does is breathe out, then life departs. Breathing out is death, breathing in is life—they are like two wheels of a bullock cart. You live by breathing in as much as you live by breathing out. The breathing out is part of breathing in. You cannot breathe in if you stop breathing out. You cannot live if you stop dying.

The man, who has understood what his life is, allows death to happen; he welcomes it. He dies each moment and each moment he is resurrected. His cross and his resurrection are continually happening as a process. He dies to the past each moment and he is born again and again into the future.

Ego and death are opposites

If you really want to live you have to be ready to die. Who is afraid of death in you? Is life afraid of death? It is not possible. How can life be afraid of its own integral process? Something else is afraid in you. The ego is afraid in you. Life and death are not opposites; ego and death are opposites. Life and death are not opposites; ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both life and death. The ego is afraid to live and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer. If you live, you are coming closer to dying. The ego is afraid to die, hence it is afraid to live also. The ego simply drags.

Death Completes Life

Let it be remembered that death and life both become aflame together, they are never separate. If you are very, very minimally alive, at the minimum, then you can see death and life as being separate. The closer you come to the peak, the closer they start coming. At the very apex, they meet and become one. In love, in meditation, in trust, in prayer, wherever life becomes total, death is there. Without death, life cannot become total.

Monday 6 January 2014

Men Vs Women

“Love, trust, beauty, sincerity, truthfulness, faithfulness – these are all feminine qualities, and they are far greater than any qualities that man has.
But the whole past has been dominated by man and his qualities.

This is so very natural that in any war, the feminine qualities like love, truth, beauty, trust, sincerity, faithfulness are of no use at all in any of the situations. In wars, you got to have a heart which should be stonier than stones. In war, you need to simply hate, you need anger and a madness to destroy.
In almost of three thousand years, man has fought five thousand wars. Yes, this is also strength but not worthy of human beings. This is strength derived from our animal inheritance.

It belongs to the past, which is gone, and the feminine qualities belong to the future, which is coming

So, the women folks shouldn’t feel weak because of their feminine qualities. In fact, they should feel grateful to existence that what man has to earn; they have been given by nature as a gift.

Man needs to learn Godly qualities, but women are gifted those qualities by the Nature.

Man has to learn how to love, how to let the heart be the master and the mind be just an obedient servant. Man has to learn these things. The woman brings these things with her, but we condemn all these qualities as weaknesses. For example, Joan of Arc had all the qualities of man. The Queen of Jhansi in India had all the qualities of man: she could fight with a naked sword, could kill people without any problem. Such women have been chosen in history and great tribute is paid to them by the historians. And they don’t represent women. In fact, that is the reason why they have been chosen, because they are just carbon copies of men.

Women are women and men are men; there is no question of comparison.

Equality is out of the question. They are not unequal and neither can they be equal. They are unique.

Rejoice in your feminine qualities; make poetry of your feminine qualities. That is your great inheritance from nature. Don’t throw it away, because the man does not have them. To be equal, you may start doing idiotic things.

The woman should not try to imitate man

We have a deep respect for feminine qualities and those qualities prohibit many things, encourage many other things. The woman should not try to imitate man, because even if you succeed…. It is difficult to succeed. Imitation is always imitation, it is never equal. But for argument’s sake, if we accept that you can become exactly like a man, you will lose all that you have and you will not gain anything. Because even in the eyes of man, you will not be beautiful anymore, and in your own eyes, you will be shattered. It was better to be unequal than to be equal, because now the man takes no interest.

A woman should keep her separateness, should save all her feminine qualities and purify them. In this way she is going, according to her nature, towards enlightenment.”